Sunday, March 23, 2008

He is Risen!

And I've been spending the week in *insert town here* visiting my grandparents and spending time with Anna Mae.

On Friday I dropped in on her at Heavenly Ham. She was super busy but she took time to show me the "Anna Mae Smoky Mustard" and I tried some. She said that Paul had claimed he was going to visit sometime. I'm so glad that I beat him. Anna Dearest made me a ham sandwich with marshmallow salad and a huge brownie. Ha! What a great way to fast for Good Friday. :p

Last night I got in trouble with my grandparents for playing Tim McGraw too loud. Oops. As punishment they made me go to church with them and I wasn't able to visit Anna Mae's church. Pretty lame huh? Here's another thing... Anna Mae has seemed just a little too distracted lately. I think it has something to do with a CD her pastor made her. Sometimes she suddenly starts jumping up and down and growling "OOooooo Pastor!!!!" I've heard the CD and I don't understand what's the matter. But then she's a lot better at interpreting things than I am.

I was able to go over to Anna Dearest's house to eat ham this afternoon. Her Mom's parents were there with her Aunt and Uncle. It wasn't a Heavenly Ham but Anna said it was better because it was a H_____ Ham.

Later on we dyed eggs. Anna's uncle wrote "Obama" on one of them and there was a "Bin-Laden" and a "DENIM" in there too (not to mention the one that said "Martin Stinks"...) Anna, her mom and I hid the eggs and then mocked the little kids as they stumbled around like drunks looking for them. Martin stepped on one and accused Anna of putting it on the ground. You should have seen the look on his face. I assured him that Anna Dearest didn't put the egg on the ground out of malice, but only because she loves him and thinks so much of his intelligence that she put the egg out in the open. He just rolled his eyes and giggled. I guess it takes a certain level of maturity to appreciate Anna Dearest.

Anna Mae gave me a Trilby to make Aaron happy. I have no idea why. Aaron just wants me to have one trilby, not multiple fedoras *and* a trilby. Oh well. *thinks* UNLESS she was just trying to annoy Aaron... but it seems to me that she won't get far with that.

At the moment I'm eating at a local Panera. Anna Mae suggested it. I'm sure she has an excellent reason for doing so but I can't fathom it at the moment.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Bike

Anna Dearest gave me a bike for my birthday. Not everyone would think it's a wonderful gift but I like it just the way it is.

Ahem. It's a Unimotorcycle that can reach speeds of up to 160 mph, has disc brakes, you pedal backwards to stop, and it has a stone tire. My good friend Karl tells me that it has headers.

I'm glad that you all enjoyed getting gifts for my birthday. I hope this becomes a tradition. (Especially if Anna Dearest gets CDs and JoAnns gift cards.)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Believe It Or Not

I hate video games. Not like I've ever played them or anything. In fact I've never played one in my life. No computer games either.

Anna Mae was walking around at For You and asking everyone if they played video games. I was the first person to answer "No." so she struck up a conversation with me. I thought that was pretty awesome. Wouldn't you?

It seems that she has pledged that she will never have video/computer game anything in her house. I'm cool with that. Even if she doesn't get married to me. *gasp*